The ambition of this book is to present the current state of knowledge and the latest concepts in shoulder arthroscopy, arthroplasty surgery and fracture treatment .
Time flies! If I think that two years have passed since the last edition of the Nice Shoulder Course, and more than ten since the first edition, I can hardly believe it. Time flies...
A concern regarding shoulder arthroplasty are the possible intraoperative and postoperative complications that can jeopardize and/or compromize the functional results. The type...
The ambition of this book is to present the current state of knowledge and the latest concepts and approaches in both arthroscopic and arthroplastic shoulder surgery, as well as in...
What A re the C omplications after Shoulder A rthroplasty? C an We A void T hem?
A concern regarding shoulder arthroplasty (SA) is the possible Intraoperative and...
SOMMAIRE : Anatomy & biomechanics of the glenoid - The multicenter study : presentation & methodology - The glenoid in hemiarthroplasty - The glenoid in anatomical total...
This book is based on the talks presented by a group of experts in Nice, on May 8, 9, 10, during the Nice Shoulder Course 2008. There is probably no other field in orthopaedic surgery where...
I. Généralités - Introduction Presentation of the multicentric study Walch, Boileau Anaesthesia for shoulder arthroplasty, general, regional or both? Harrop-Griffiths Management of the...