Difficult problems and complications at the forearm - FESSH 2012 Instructional Course Book
The forearm is not a couple of two bones connecting the mobile elbow with the wrist/hand unit, the performing part of the upper limb. It is a real joint-system allowing to rotate the hand around a longitudinal axis, to better position the hand and to grasp objects. At each end a complex joint is present. Both bones have a well determinated anatomical special structure and both are connected with interosseous membrane of which the real function, pathology and treatment remain unrevealed. This is the framework of which this instructional course is dealing with. It is impossible to discuss the forearm without flirting with elbow and wrist joints. Both soft tissue and hardware problems, active and structural disorders, adults and children, congenital, acquired, degenerative, (post)traumatic pathology are discussed. It is obvious that the topic is incomplete. We have stressed on these problems which are specific to the forearm and not on those which involve the forearm as well as other joints. We are convinced that with this course a better understanding of this “forgotten” joint will be provided. All authors have a particular interest in the topic, have presented and published on his subject and their opinion is often the gold standard for a particular aspect of this subject.
Luc De Smet MD PhD, Frederic Schuind MD PHD
Table of contents
Historical Considerations on the Anatomy and Surgery of the Forearm
A. Gohritz
Biomechanics of the forearm
F. Schuind
Functional Evaluation of the Distal Radioulnar Joint
N. Badur, M. Garcia-Elias
Arthroscopic assessment in ulnocarpal wrist pain
M. Haerle, J. Krapp
Forearm fractures in children
D. Eygendaal, E. Bianca
Missed monteggia fractures in children
I. Degreef, L. DeSmet
Management of Major Open Forearm Trauma (Subtotal and Total amputations)
E. Vögelin, F.M. Leclère
Compartment syndrome in the forearm
O. Barbier
Posttraumatic rotation deficit of the forearm, including synostosis
W. Vanhove, N. Hollevoet, L. Kegels
Forearm Malunions
A.V. Korompilias, D.A. Alaseirlis
Treatment of aseptic nonunions of the forearm
M. Ceruso, P. Bigazzi, M. Zucchini
Treatment of septic forearm nonunion
M. Innocenti, C. Baldrighi, B. Battiston, P. Tos
Free fibular transfer for complex forearm nonunions
F. DaRin deLorenzo
Applications of the free periosteal flap at the forearm
F. del Piñal
Instability of the Distal Radio-Ulnar Joint FESSH Instructional Course
D. Warwick
Radio-Ulnar Interposition Arthroplasty
Z.T. Kokkalis, G.A. Mazis, D.G. Sotereanos
Distal Radioulnar Joint Arthroplasty: Scheker Prosthesis
L.R. Scheker
The Herbert Ulnar Head Prosthesis®
Y. Baeten
Distal Radioulnar Partial Hemiarthroplasty: The Eclypse® pyrocarbon implant
M. Garcia-Elias
Radial head arthroplasty
I. Degreef
Treatment of Established Essex-Lopresti Lesions
M.T. Sabo, I.A. Trail
Difficult nerve problems at the elbow
P. Tos, S. Artiaco, P. Titolo, A. Poggetti, B. Battiston
Tendinosis about the elbow
R. van Riet
Forearm problems in obstetric brachial plexus palsy
J. Bahm, W. Elkazzi, F. Schuind
Restoration of Pronation and Supination in Upper Extremity Paralyses
T. Ozkan, S. Tuncer
Treatment options for the symptomatic Madelung deformity
F. Stockmans, M. P.J. Loonen, J. Vanhaecke, M. Dezillie, D. Oosterlinck
Congenital radio-ulnar synostosis and congenital forearm nonunions
X. Libouton, O. Barbier
Date | 13/06/2012 |
Taille | 16 x 24 |
Type de reliure | Broché |
ISBN | 9782840237792 |